5 tips for newborn mums (after you get your newborn photos done)

  1. Get some sleep. Whenever you can. Wherever you can. Seriously, do not feel bad about random naps. Everything else can wait. I know your mind is racing with a long list of things you need to do. Slow down. Your body is after producing the most amazing miracle, AND it took a LOT out of it. I mean it when I say it - you need to sleep.

  2. Do not worry about your weight. Yes, your body has changed. No, it doesn’t look like before. But believe me, every stretch mark, every extra pound tells the story of how you become a mother. It’s a Love Story and you don’t want to miss it by worrying about your looks. Your baby doesn’t care.

  3. You’re doing an incredible job You overthink, overanalyse, question your choices, doubt ourselves ALL THE TIME. Every new parent goes through it. There’s a lot to learn, you’re doing fine.

  4. Let yourself cry if you want to I remember being surprised nobody told me how amazing it is to have a baby. And that my favourite hobby from now on will be staring at the little bundle of perfection. It’s very true, BUT also…. it’s different for everybody. It can be a very emotional, overwhelming time and you can feel like you don’t know who you are anymore. It’s ok. One things is for sure: you’re a mum. Forever.

  5. Chocolate is your friend Eat it without shame.

    Below I would like to share a few images from a recent session of my cherished clients. If you enjoyed my post please share it, put a comment, it would mean the world to me.

Magdalena Christie